In this second installment of Research Aromatica, Werner Bester of Essential Distillation Equipment will introduce several types of distillation design. We will go inside his shop in Riebeek Kasteel in the Western Cape of South Africa to get a first hand view of the engineering and design of units for whole plant extracts and essential oil distillation. The importance of appropriate and sustainable design at source will be discussed. These designs will be highlighted by demonstrating current community distillation projects in Africa and beyond.
This is the first time Werner Bester is giving this insight to a large public audience on-line.
- Different types of distillation methods
- Sustainable distillation is the future
- Engineering innovations at the source
Episode Notes: Namibia Project: Werner's Website:
Extremely useful webinar. We are preparing for the next step in our production strategy and found the information very informative. Thanks to both of you.